
Thumbnail of the map 'Excavate'

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Author butchsmudge31
Tags action author:butchsmudge31 colab playable rated
Created 2008-04-24
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description My first Colab.
I made the tile-set, and SkyRay tweaked it, and added objects.
It has immense gameplay.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Neroseeker' Thumbnail of the map 'Music To My Ears' Thumbnail of the map 'Flowered' Thumbnail of the map 'Music Revamp (Encore)' Thumbnail of the map 'Die-vival' Thumbnail of the map 'Lets Rock Out!'
Neroseeker Music To My Ears Flowered Music Revamp (Encore) Die-vival Lets Rock Out!


Pages: (0)


where did all the gold go?

#1 on top rated! ^^

Speed demo

I almost wish it was 3 frames longer...
Demo Data

Excuse me?

Lol, it's ok.


-tweak- I thought it turned out decent and I realized the teleporters had some problems but I thought I had them all fixed, thanks for inviting me to collab


shouldn't try to work out votes from averages. feckin keybroad

I didn't

I gave it a 3 or a 3.5
Cos i reckoned it was average or thereabouts...... You should try to backwards work out averages.


Demo Data
What the heck? Er, not the worst, but this is at best tedious most of the time, the whole door trick with the floorguard over was pointless, the laser drones were practically castrated before they could do any damage, and the doors in front of the rockets meant the rockets were good for one shot which was easily dodged anyway. Plus the lack of gold, and sporadic gameplay.


did it :D

wish you'd put some gold in...
Demo Data

So close...

Demo Data

oh wait...

the laser shot me...

Slight problem

with the right-hand teleporter...

but ive played the rest, and it does kick some serious ass

Demo Data