Loss is a Bitter Drug

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Author gloomp
Tags author:gloomp dedication gone inmemorial kablizzy loss playable unrated
Created 2008-05-01
Map Data

Description Yesterday, April 30th 2008, Kablizzy, the reason most of us are still in the community, left us for unknown personal reasons. I think that he affected us all in slightly different way, and I know he will be sorely missed by all of us.

Here's lookin' at you, Blizz.

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Faster AGD

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I mean

a lesser person THAN Kablizzy.

It's symbolic.

The climb represents how, as Kablizzy gained respect, he got more freedom.
The long fall represents the responsibilities of becoming a new mod that could crush a lesser person that Kablizzy.
The gold represents the rewards that Kablizzy reaped from becoming a respected moderator.
The pit represents the occasional mistakes Kablizzy made.
The exit switch tower represents the highscoring abilities Kablizzy had.
The door-bounceblock-launchpad thing represents the elaborate hoax's Kablizzy and the other moderators would stage.

Boring too...
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Wierd level...

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