
Thumbnail of the map 'Teleporter'

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Author p41n_and_d34th
Tags author:p41n_and_d34th medium playable teleporter unrated
Created 2008-05-03
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description First Map.
Use Teleporters to finish.
I'm never using teleporters again.


Pages: (0)


It was a bit frustrating. And you put too much gold man!
anyways, heres an APGD (All-Possible-Gold-Demo)
Demo Data


yep, teleports are annoying.. I never were good in those..
but using teleports is a really usefull thing.. I got soem ideas.. ^^

this map isnt anything special, im afraid.
nothing challenging.. too much objects, long to load. well..
Demo Data


how did you use the teleporters. I mean how did you make the trampolines teleport