
Thumbnail of the map 'random'

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Author mthemoose
Tags author:mthemoose gold hard survival unrated
Created 2008-05-07
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description random

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Too easy'
Too easy


Pages: (0)


stop bagging on me!I (finally) figured out how to make a demo.So, here`s a demo to help you guys,ALOT.P.S.I won it after a couple of tries
Demo Data


Come on, you're killing all of us that actually PLAY numa. You know, we just don't cram a bunch of crap in an empty space and call it a map! Put some time and thought into your maps!


locked door serves no purpose.
Rofl just felt like doing it,oh and did you win it?
May I ask WTF the locked door with the regular doors is for?