
Thumbnail of the map 'NeverTraveller'

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Author geti
Tags action author:geti critique finally jump-only playable rated
Created 2008-05-11
Last Modified 2008-05-11
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description its finally done!

im really happy with this, its best played jump only, i might make some other flavours but im pretty into it the way it is. ill put a demo up if someone needs it.. you shouldnt.

drone timing is kinda important, so you need to get everywhere pretty quick. in some areas it is possible to get stuck, but hey, not my problem.

im really happy with the tiles.

critique and enjoyment are a must people :]
rates are also good.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Martyrs Rock' Thumbnail of the map 'Cold Symphony' Thumbnail of the map 'Fluid Mechanic' Thumbnail of the map 'Twitch.' Thumbnail of the map 'Bleeding Cold' Thumbnail of the map 'Bleeding Warmer'
Martyrs Rock Cold Symphony Fluid Mechanic Twitch. Bleeding Cold Bleeding Warmer


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very nice

XD yeah..

timeout hell..


thank you :]

glad you remember me, sorry its so hard XD
ill make some easier maps soon ;]

Hey geti!

Haha of course I remember you! You're one of the best mapmakers on NUMA!
Thanks for the comment, dude. I love getting 'em. =P

As for this map, it pretty much reflects what I just said. I love the tileset, the gameplay... everything.

I'm gonna say... 4.5/5... because I suck and it's a little too hard for me. (I can hardly beat it with the arrows. =P)
But this is definitely one of the best jump only maps in a while.


nice map


i had a little trouble with the jump only

good theme, good enemy use, overall good tileset and amazing placement


First try.

I died through the launchpads.
Demo Data


I just found it too hard. 3.5


sorry 'nid. :P

oh gosh

all you guys who are worrying about difficulty arent playing enough :P
i loved making this because it was hard to do. the map itself is relatively easy.

glad the rate is fairly high, and also i <3 you NastoK :D

oh gosh

all you guys who are worrying about difficulty arent playing enough :P
i loved making this because it was hard to do. the map itself is relatively easy.

glad the rate is fairly high, and also i <3 you NastoK :D

oh gosh

all you guys who are worrying about difficulty arent playing enough :P
i loved making this because it was hard to do. the map itself is relatively easy.

glad the rate is fairly high, and also i <3 you NastoK :D

oh gosh

all you guys who are worrying about difficulty arent playing enough :P
i loved making this because it was hard to do. the map itself is relatively easy.

glad the rate is fairly high, and also i <3 you NastoK :D

oh gosh

all you guys who are worrying about difficulty arent playing enough :P
i loved making this because it was hard to do. the map itself is relatively easy.

glad the rate is fairly high, and also i <3 you NastoK :D

oh gosh

all you guys who are worrying about difficulty arent playing enough :P
i loved making this because it was hard to do. the map itself is relatively easy.

glad the rate is fairly high, and also i <3 you NastoK :D



quite nice, but looks like a DDA.. too many stuff..

But its good.
Demo Data

love it

I loved the way it progressed. It turned out great.


jumo only?!

thats pretty hard, you know..
I made a normal agd and it was not that easy..
Anyway, critque:
The tiles are pretty good, I like them. The rockets were bad. Rockets dont work in tight spaces. The overall feeling was too hectic. There is almost any room for improvisation, so it's quite uncategorized. I first thought of it as a race. Or maybe even a dda.
Overall I give you a 3

yeah sure.

glad you like it.

i like it

i like it but im new to this and havent seen many maps
could you check out my map please?
its Memmory Strain