City of doom

Thumbnail of the map 'City of doom'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author roi_cest_mon_nom
Tags author:roi_cest_mon_nom puzzle unrated
Created 2008-05-13
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Tileset =
Njoy, please see my other two maps (most recent ones)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'SSBB odd battlefield' Thumbnail of the map 'zuggtmoy's lair' Thumbnail of the map 'SIMple challenge' Thumbnail of the map 'Drones of the World' Thumbnail of the map 'In the quiet of night' Thumbnail of the map 'NOT_random'
SSBB odd battlefield zuggtmoy's lair SIMple challenge Drones of the World In the quiet of night NOT_random


Pages: (0)

Im a Noob :(

How can i add a new map ? (Sry ....)

Im a Noob :(

How can i add a new map ? (Sry ....)


one right way to use each teleporter- see demo
the demo's kinda rough though, but it does the job, used Ned
Had tiresome sleepy...
Demo Data

You might

want to play test, as I died every time used a teleporter.