Red Zone

Thumbnail of the map 'Red Zone'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author spudzalot
Tags action author:spudzalot drones-only fun playable puzzle rated
Created 2008-05-17
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description a simple mine jumper bounce block puzzle drone thing... a like it. if you touch the walls you fail at life.

dedicated to stephan_smg for getting the fastest demo on Drought:

fastest agd by wednesday gets a dedication.


p.s. comes with a completion demo

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Bring Me To Life' Thumbnail of the map 'My Home: Twilight' Thumbnail of the map 'Tribute to Mintnut' Thumbnail of the map 'Drought' Thumbnail of the map 'Corrolation' Thumbnail of the map 'Thwuzzle'
Bring Me To Life My Home: Twilight Tribute to Mintnut Drought Corrolation Thwuzzle


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but i love the whole, bounce-block concept you have.

but still plays okaY

here it is

remember if you touch the walls (you know which ones im talking about) you fail at life. :)
Demo Data