Wireframe Eagle

Thumbnail of the map 'Wireframe Eagle'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author RedSham
Tags author:redsham cool eagle look n-art nart nonplayable rated wire-art wireframe
Created 2008-05-22
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description This is really cool!!! load it in editor to view!!! it's an eagle!!! look at it. it's worth it :)

rate, comment, enjoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Gateway' Thumbnail of the map 'The Final Eagle' Thumbnail of the map 'combo test' Thumbnail of the map 'Cyber Dragon' Thumbnail of the map 'Cyber Dragon Resub' Thumbnail of the map 'Weird Creature'
Gateway The Final Eagle combo test Cyber Dragon Cyber Dragon Resub Weird Creature


Pages: (0)

Dagga Fork

i like your head better

the wings

and feet are alright, just the head that is really ugly, 4/5 for effort.