Home Security

Thumbnail of the map 'Home Security'

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Author BlckNWhteNnja
Tags action author:blcknwhtennja gauss jumper playable unrated
Created 2008-05-23
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is a resub of my former map.

I did this because people were saying the map would be much better if the chaingun was switched to a gauss, so i switched them and resubmitted.

Once again, it is a medium zap/mine/jumper. Have fun.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Stalactite' Thumbnail of the map 'The Actual Workings of a Plant' Thumbnail of the map 'I Don't Think I Can Dodge That!...' Thumbnail of the map 'The Meteor  Part 1' Thumbnail of the map 'Heartless' Thumbnail of the map 'One Rocket, One Ninja'
Stalactite The Actual Workings of a Plant I Don't Think I Can Dodge That!... The Meteor Part 1 Heartless One Rocket, One Ninja


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The one ways

are like that Fenominous because it is supposed to be solid tile but i made it one ways, if it was skinny i put only 2 but if it was a full E tile i put 4 thats why you think its out of proportion.

loved it.....


One ways

if you use em twice every time near eachother then you must do that in the whole map , the one with 4 layers is out of proporsion and that makes the map for me , less interesting.
Most of you objects are actually pretty minimal, which I like.


I really that spammy? I thought I had a correct # of objects in this one. Maybe some of the gold but i think that is it.
Work on the object placement. No need to be so spammy.