
Thumbnail of the map 'Chronicle'

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Author spudzalot
Tags author:spudzalot featured mine-jumper mines playable puzzle rated tileset
Created 2008-05-30
Last Modified 2008-05-30
by 19 people.
Map Data

Description ---Look in full view, way better---

Tiles were inspired by Losttortuga and Skyray. Thanks guys. :) A semi difficult mine jumper. I keeped all of the mines attatched to tiles to give it a better look but still giving good gameplay.


This map was featured on 2008-06-05

Chronicle, defined by Webster, is a historical account of facts and events in chronological order. While playing this map you will feel as if time does stop around you, from both repeated attempts for the AGD due to difficult nature of the map, with the aid of the positioning of tiles, keys, and mines. If only I had the power to rearrange the chronicles of history! — mrgy05

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Republic of Tom Cruise' Thumbnail of the map 'Glazed' Thumbnail of the map 'Road Trip' Thumbnail of the map 'Spoken' Thumbnail of the map 'If Time Could Tell' Thumbnail of the map 'Avacados'
The Republic of Tom Cruise Glazed Road Trip Spoken If Time Could Tell Avacados


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Also, this is my second try within probably the last decade:
Demo Data

Very fun

Great tiles especially. =D

But on top of what he said, I also don't like the gold placement. Still a 3/5, though.
Demo Data

beat this

speed run
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Meaning getting the bottom-right switch before the top one. Ridiculously easy.

The level's okay, a good mine jumper; don't see what others seem to see in it though. No offense, but I don't really see why this got featured.

Demo Data


nothing new here, not a bad mine jumper
i didnt like how sometimes when you hit the tiles too hard you would die from a mine underneath


Speed demo. I cheated a bit. It was pretty easy but well made.
Demo Data

I never really loved this one to begin with, i don't think it deserved to be featured, its not very unique for a mine jumper, i still liked it, i just believe that you have better levels that should have gotten featured instead of this one.
but it played well enough

its not...

featured.... (or maybe it is:P)


Thankyou mrgy05. :D



Here is my AGD

And thanks for the comments guys. :)
Demo Data


Got about 2/3 of the way done in the demo. Pretty fun. I'm usually not a big fan of mine jumpers, but this one's pretty good.
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Not bad

A little conjusted IMO, and if I were you, I'd make teh level in the center and add tiles to the empty areas for a aethetically pleasing look. This deserves a 4/5

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still 4 for the nice construction..


missed one stinkin piece of gold, only ONE!!!!! :P anywayz 5aved, nice lvl ;)
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I hate this place

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Okay completion

Just in case you are confused on the top left area. That is the hardest part especially the gold.
Demo Data