Heart rate

Thumbnail of the map 'Heart rate'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Meta_Ing
Tags author:meta_ing medium metanet-esque rated
Created 2008-06-09
Last Modified 2008-06-14
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Eleventh level in the Metanet-esque series. The other ten can be found here:

Any suggestions or ideas regarding this or future levels are appreciated.

This is a fairly simple map with a good level of difficulty. It is made to look like a heart rate monitor, which is why the level is called Heart rate. (Just in case anyone was wondering or couldn't figure it out.)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'I.C.R.' Thumbnail of the map 'Title Pending' Thumbnail of the map 'There and back' Thumbnail of the map 'Crystallite' Thumbnail of the map 'Go ahead and thwump!' Thumbnail of the map 'Unfair Advantage'
I.C.R. Title Pending There and back Crystallite Go ahead and thwump! Unfair Advantage


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kinda similar - i must agree with you
but i'm sorry, i did not even see this befor
i joined numa 09.09.09
more than a year after the submit of this


agree with ATFB

and it isn't really Metanet-esquey


Oh well... I guess this wasn't one of the better maps in the series then.

Ok map

was a little fun, but it seemed a little repeated. Like i followed the same route coming back and forth, and the gauss was of little use. it didnt threaten me anything. Well that my reason for a 3/5
Demo Data
I just wanted to know why you rated it like that...

What wasn't good about it in your opinion?

no offence

but this isnt that good. 3 is a pretty fair rating. not sure what advice i could give you. sorry
i wont rate if you dont want me to


rated this a three?...
...if you are going to rate one of my levels low (I consider 3 and below low ratings), the least you could do is tell me why...