Wear dit go

Thumbnail of the map 'Wear dit go'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author romaniac
Tags action author:romaniac invisible playable unrated
Created 2008-06-09
Last Modified 2008-06-09
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description The map is entirely hid behind the textbox in debug mode!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '04-4 Pickle(d)' Thumbnail of the map '05-1 Fuzzy 'round the Edges' Thumbnail of the map 'Shriek' Thumbnail of the map '06-3 Master' Thumbnail of the map '07-1 5D' Thumbnail of the map '06-2 Chaser'
04-4 Pickle(d) 05-1 Fuzzy 'round the Edges Shriek 06-3 Master 07-1 5D 06-2 Chaser


Pages: (0)

ok, I like it...

not one of the most complex, beautiful, or challenging maps i've seen. but hey, it fits snugly behind the textbox, nice little idea you had pun intended...
but really, a good compact map, small, efficient...4/5


look at that ! speed demo ! xD
Demo Data


That's interesting...