
Thumbnail of the map 'Scuzzball'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author bobaganuesh_2
Tags agd-ded author:bobaganuesh_2 playable rated sketch-map
Created 2008-06-14
Last Modified 2008-09-03
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description My first map since NUMA was updated.

I drew a rough sketch of it when it first came to mind, and when I applied it to Ned, this map popped out.

I'm still working on a demo, cuz I have to go somwhere else now, so the first person to get an AGD (All Gold Demo) will receive a dedication

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Clift' Thumbnail of the map 'Baobad' Thumbnail of the map 'U-surp' Thumbnail of the map 'Vaulted' Thumbnail of the map 'Speak' Thumbnail of the map 'The A(dd/tt)ic'
Clift Baobad U-surp Vaulted Speak The A(dd/tt)ic


Pages: (0)

Super hard.

4/5 though. :)

very cool.


Nice Map

The gold and mine placement was perfect, and the gameplay was fun.

I would've liked the switch elsewhere however; a little too hard for me. xD


I agree.

I hate the delist shit. I just want to delete them...not like it screws up map numbers or anything...and it actually frees up server space. But Im sure theres an ineffective but fierce argument going on somewhere in the unfathomable depths of this communities glorious forums over this very issue. A shakespeare quote can be put to good use to describe the forums: "It is a tale told by an idiot; full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

K dork times over. I like the simplicity of this map. The design was also aesthetically and visually pleasing. Normally I'd bitch about the somewhat excessive use of mines, but I'll let you off this time becaus it fits the theme of the level. 4/5


stupid delist thing *mumbles inconherently*
nobody rated!! time for a resub...


Kid below does good job on demo.

completion demo

takes practise
Demo Data