The Underground

Thumbnail of the map 'The Underground'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author callsignpatriot
Tags author:callsignpatriot playable puzzle rookie simple thwump unrated
Created 2008-06-14
Last Modified 2008-06-14
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Just a random map I made (first time)


Pages: (0)


i'm a noob so i don't know how but i can't play ur demo Meta_Ing


Thanks for the advice, i just had a little problem with my Ned, every time i try to get to the title editor i had to hold down delete to use it so i got impatient and hurried up the map. Will make better one's in the future
Keep making maps like this. Only advice to you right now is try to make them more exciting and try to swazi up the tileset a little. 3/5
Demo Data


bvmanen... I think your map never got rated, because the ratings were disabled...

...just a guess.
It's definitely better than some other peoples firsts are sometimes, especially in terms of aesthetics (looks)... it was a little too easy, but that doesn't matter to me. 3/5

(All gold) demo (although it's not possible not to get all the gold)
Demo Data

first map?

i remember mine :P
it never got rated... thats it.
but wtv.
i guess this is alright for a first map so... 3/5