
Thumbnail of the map 'Incoming.'

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Author BlckNWhteNnja
Tags action author:blcknwhtennja open playable tac2 unrated
Created 2008-06-19
Last Modified 2008-06-19
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description For the Tileset Adding Contest 2 [].

Theme : 1's, 5's, 6's, and 7's.

I chose to go minimalist on this Tileset. If you reach the bottom before getting all the switches....Good luck.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '0 - 4 Center in on the Target' Thumbnail of the map '1 - 0 Aquifer' Thumbnail of the map 'Swab the Poopdeck' Thumbnail of the map 'Sept or Bust' Thumbnail of the map 'Mitosis' Thumbnail of the map 'Space Potatoes'
0 - 4 Center in on the Target 1 - 0 Aquifer Swab the Poopdeck Sept or Bust Mitosis Space Potatoes


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way too open
I tried for a while but I had serious problems getting to the switches. It seems like you made it easy to get the gold but a littile too hard to get the switches. But meh maybe its because I suck at N. 4/5 Great job.

i cheated though

:) it was just a hundred times better like this. getting that other switch wouldve ruined the demo. sorry xD


like in the linear map competition, i am completely blown away by your map. of course, asthetically speaking this cant compete with spudzalot's or etz's for example. but once again, this is so ridiculously fun to play. you probably didnt realize yourself how many paths there were. i played this for like half an hour, and this is the best demo i could come up with (in my eyes, it is pretty amazing xD). 5aved of course.
Demo Data