
Thumbnail of the map 'Trapland'

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Author one_legged_ninja
Tags author:one_legged_ninja playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-09-01
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description A somewhat challenging level where you must activate enough trapdoors to build a path up to the door button, but if you get the wrong ones it will seal off the door. Tell me what you think.


Pages: (0)

Kinda fun

Almost got it.
Demo Data


Lol at turtle =p


I got all of the gold


That was one of the finniest thing I have ever seen XD
He gave you 1.5/5! Yes, 1.5 of 5, one point five of five.
0.3/1! 3/10! WHATEVER!


he rated it a 1.5

. . . .

You said you dont like the level but you gave it a 5/5?


i agree with Mark. you're getting the right idea, but traps that make you redo the level get annoying and will often times ruin the enjoyment.
this level is also very repetetive and dull.

3 things...

1. traps = not good /not fun. it ruins the map and means you have to start again.
2. random guesswork = normally not good. no one will be bothered to write down or remember which switches did what.
3. good idea building your way up to the door. it's been done before, but it's a lot more fun that points 1 and 2.

this was meant to be constructive criticism, so please dont be offended. I will also restrain from rating your map for now. I hope this helps for future maps.