A Walk In The Park (my first DDA)

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Author punchowns
Tags author:punchowns dda spiral unplayable unrated
Created 2008-06-28
Last Modified 2008-06-28
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
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Description Hey guys, this is my first DDA so take a look and rate me please :)

oh and btw, i know... theres alot of jump-pads, but im not that skilled at making DDA's yet :P


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Better than mine

except for the fact that you used too many trampolines. A bit laggy for my computer though.


I like it! you could try to replace some of the trampolines with trap doors that propel you. I also am glad you used a tileset!


pretty good level... I like it ALOT.. New favorite. Check out my DDA 'Hold R DDA' It may give you some good ideas.


sweet thanks :>

That only seems to

bring up one... I'm probably overlooking something obvious.

Anyway, another good place to glean some inspiration is clifty's archive[/url. []


It's not great, but I *do* prefer ddas that take you on a journey like this, rather than fling you around a tile-less screen.

a great example of a successful one being The Heart of the Machine 2 [].

For greater dda techniques, just use the search function top right. Type in 'bitesized' and 'dda' and you should find a few worthy examples.

Hope that helps.