What could have been

Thumbnail of the map 'What could have been'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author spudzalot
Tags author:spudzalot bored meh playable rocket-dodger unfinished unrated
Created 2008-07-01
Last Modified 2008-07-01
Map Data

Description Was going to be an awesome map but nothing is working that I try. I might finish this later once my mapping skills come back. I havent been able to make that many cool original maps. Might stop for a few weeks. :/

Enjoy what could have been...

Other maps by this author

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Graveseeker Scatterblitz Raizon Raizor Silver Wings Kristol


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this was a beauty.

4, faved.
Demo Data

Third try AGD

You make awesome maps even when you've got mappers block. Whenever I get it, I spout horrible dreck. 4
Demo Data

It's okay

just too many rockets. And what the heck was going down with the trapdoors?




Very good idea, liked those thwumps!!
good run.
i got AGD but was thwarted by those damn rockets.
this level is so much fun.

pretty cool

try making a level pack :)

pretty cool

try making a level pack :)
That will only make you depressed. Think of what _is_. This map is very fun and original. 4/5, and faved. Here's an AGD. It's slower than it could have been.
Demo Data

But of course

I will try to finish all of the contest I am in. ;)