
Thumbnail of the map 'Aztec'

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Author saltyplumsoda
Tags action author:saltyplumsoda aztec hard rated rockets
Created 2008-07-03
Last Modified 2008-07-03
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description I made a level.

I hope you enjoy it.

EDIT (9-3-08): I took out the rockets and put gausses in their place. It's a little less hard now.



Pages: (0)

5/5 +1 for a first

Nice tileset, but wayyyyy too hard.

I see your point

Duly noted. Thank you.


the tileset is good.
but the gameplay is ... wow...
I mean, the jumps are quite hard to pass, but with two rockets, a gauss, and a thwump, it's getting very difficult.
With the fact you need to execute 4 jumps to get all switches and the exit door, it's making the map too frustrating (for me).
But still, the design is cool. :)