NReality Rotational Laser Drone

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Author Unreality
Tags author:unreality nreality unrated
Created 2008-07-03
Last Modified 2008-07-03
Map Data

Description NReality Rotational Laser Drone

laser done code:
to turn it to rotational laser drone, make it:
i.e. replacing the 4th attribute from 0 to 1

moddable attributes: (like laser drone it used 1 as object #)

startingAngle (default = 0, it is the very beginning shooting angle)
rotateSpeed (default = 0.5, if you put it -0.5 it will shoot anti-clockwise)
fixedLaserLength (default not exist, you can set it 100 to have a look, the laser will have fixed length and can strike through wall, it will have a very weird feeling)

Other maps by this author

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Unreality lock test Big Drone motherlode on Moon don't tell anybody


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that's awesome. I didn't know your body could explode when it hits the ground.
Demo Data

And here I am

Back to say that I'm totally cool with the color. In fact, I like it better than if it were red.

I guess I was just in a fussy mood last night.


I don't like the new purple color. I know you were just trying to recreate how it looks in N+, and if it had the glow that's there in N+, it would be fine. But without it, the color's kinda unappealing. Anyway, I'll get used to it. Just wanted to share.


is there a way to get two of going at the same time but at opposite angles?

i tried several times and it didn't work


Demo Data


I just can't wait to implement it.
now I get it...

Hi SkyRay

>so how do we get the laser speed faster?

add ||||1,rotateSpeed,1 at the end, or larger number than 1


Just wow. You're throwing these new additions in way too fast, I can't keep up D:
And the transparent updates seem to be much more reliable now too :)
can't figure it out from what you said in description


As always, great work, Unreality!


I just made it much harder to pass through the laser, as long as the rotateSpeed is not set to a large number

That's amazing.

Just wow.


the collision detection between the rotational laser and the player isn't perfect.. but it's too hard to make it perfect
No, I'm not crazy.
Demo Data


If you fall through it fast enough, it doesn't kill you.
But the laser shows as though it hit you.

Speed demo

I'll add this to the wiki page.
Demo Data


I wanted to use one of these but I couldn't figure out how to make it.


you are a fucking genius.