Thumbnail of the map 'Δ'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author bufar
Tags author:bufar greekalphabet mod nreality playable puzzle rated
Created 2008-07-04
Last Modified 2008-07-12
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description This map must be played in nReality. Aptly named Delta, which represents gene deletion in genetics.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Rise of Science' Thumbnail of the map 'End of the World as We Know It' Thumbnail of the map 'Diggin' Dirt, Soarin' Skies' Thumbnail of the map 'Expression' Thumbnail of the map '...of the Rising Sun.' Thumbnail of the map 'Ghost'
The Rise of Science End of the World as We Know It Diggin' Dirt, Soarin' Skies Expression ...of the Rising Sun. Ghost


Pages: (0)

Demo Data


my other favorite mod.
this is a simple, not-so-challenging, yet irresistably fun map.
the laser rays hiding behind the gold adds the extra challenge.


broke 700 frames
OOO and i liked it 4/5.
Demo Data


Demo Data

2nd try

First time the game lagged so much that the ninja decided to jump around at the last corner...

I like the gold.
Demo Data