Think Before You Act

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Author nejiruto
Tags author:nejiruto hard puzzle unrated
Created 2008-07-05
Last Modified 2008-07-05
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
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Description this too me ages to actually make it possible to get the button to open the end door, it was soooooo friggen hard, i was nearly going insane, but if people think it is too easy can you leave a comment and lave some advice but not rate because i haven't completely done yet.


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I know that gold was possible. I am talking about the gold that you mines behind. That gold is impossible.

And if you post on my maps about stuff like this please also tell me what you thought of my map. peace out...


Well at least all the gold that is possible. >__>

I really did not like this. The beginning was long and pointless, the gold was a pain go get and you competely spammed the rockets and gausses.

Sorry but 1/5
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