Evasion 2

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Author tekkie
Tags author:tekkie dda rated
Created 2005-09-05
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description A beefed-up awesome version of my original Evasion. 9 rockets, more doors, more danger. 30 and a half seconds; a bit short, I know. No gold delay. All doors. You'll like more than the first. USer-level friendly. Enjoi.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Cramped Vol. 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Cramped Vol. 3' Thumbnail of the map 'Guards!' Thumbnail of the map 'Wild Rush' Thumbnail of the map 'Evasion' Thumbnail of the map 'Ring around the X'
Cramped Vol. 2 Cramped Vol. 3 Guards! Wild Rush Evasion Ring around the X


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I used only doors.

As for Astro's challenge... I accept. =)
But you've overused trapdoors.


Lol... This totally smokes Atramenti's Door DDA... Plus rockets.
4/5. =)
My challenge to you is make a keep-the-rocket-alive DDA with ONLY trap doors, and a very very tight space.


But not too many close calls. Sorry.


Soo... much... speed +no gold delay = yay! =D