
Thumbnail of the map '2nd'

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Author sweet_chicken
Tags author:sweet_chicken playable unrated
Created 2008-07-16
Last Modified 2008-07-16
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description dont think its so good, make suggegstions, hi im still new so critique, help me make a good technique

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'first!'


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If this were tweaked very slightly it would benefit quite a bit. Firstly, those mines on the bottom are ugly as sin. Try not to place unnecessary mines when possible, and if you're going to pattern them like that don't break the pattern, it looks lazy (random placement is a fine alternative, as long as you don't go overboard). Also, the two upper bounceblocks are a bit too low, they get in your way if you take the bottom route (things getting in your way is not always bad, but in this case it's just annoying).

It's a good simple level, but unfortunately those problems detract from it even more because of its simplicity.

Demo Data
You have to produce a map that a feature reviewer takes an absolute shine to, so it's something of a slim chance even if you're a great map maker.

As for building advice: take a look at the featured list and study why each map is considered great. Also, join the forums [] and IRC [] and get involved with collaborations and map projects with other authors.

Just get stuck in and listen to the advice of the authors you admire and you'll be on your way.


add some enemies, and some gold perhaps. Try to experiment with the tileset to make better looking ones, and put more of a challenge in your level. Also , these mines could be considered as clutterd, but I'm not going to whine about that:)