Thumbnail of the map 'JUMP PAD TEST #1'

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Author SkellionPowalski
Tags action author:skellionpowalski closecalls dda fun-to-watch rockets unrated
Created 2008-07-23
Last Modified 2008-07-23
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
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Description my first dda! i just was trying to get the hang of dda's and wanted to try and get as many missiles on screen as possible. comment plz! :)

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ino that

well, i dont think your critisizim is bad, its just that i get floods of crappy comments and stuff and it gets annoying.....

were not expecting "god" maps from you. It's called criticism and there's nothing wrong with it. Some of the most kickass 5 ninja maps have criticism. You should expect a lot on your first dda. Use it as advice to make better ones

hey guys......

dont snipe me! i was just TESTING DDAS! i just wanted to GET THE HANG OF IT! and its my first one, so dont expect gods work from me ok?!


2...I feel like im in a toddlers play room


If you want to see good misslespam ddas using launchpads, go to

In rocket ddas, if you use launchpads the rockets arent much of a threat since you can move the ninja in any direction faster than the rockets. Thats why, in the DDA, you must turn the rockets into a threat, always move the ninja towards rockets, through gaps between 2 rockets, etc.


Only 1 CLose Call

and it wasnt even that close. Im not gonna rate because Im tired of sniping 1/5's for firsts. Just NR.
My missile spammed DDA and also my second, sent a day after my first. Look into it for tips about different propulsion. Launchpads are meant to send you to doom, not really use for DDA's.


thats kind of the point, to use the launch pads, and yet again i say, FIRST DDA! and it seems like people critisize me for every one, but then i see levels I could have done better on, and people act like their gods or sumthing!


your only form of propulsion is launchpads
the missiles clump together
im sorry, but its very boring to watch