Cacti Enforcers

Thumbnail of the map 'Cacti Enforcers'

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Author macaddict_17
Tags author:macaddict_17 playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-09-08
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Medium level Mine Jumper. I think the third Cacti is hardest

Other maps by this author

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Mac OS X Corn Maize Stonehenge The Omelet Piano Man Wintell Hell


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I have to agree

It's rather repetitive. 3.5


Stupid mistake for the 6th time. I love precision mine maps, but it's 3:15 AM and I've been up since 9 and I just can't operate well anymore. The middle cactus is clearly the hardest of the three. 4/5 because of the huge difference in difficulty in certain areas and the reliance on curve-jumping and just seems repetitive
Demo Data


But fun. 3.5