Panda Burger Joint

Thumbnail of the map 'Panda Burger Joint'

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Author Mustardude
Tags action author:mustardude fun playable unrated
Created 2008-07-27
Last Modified 2008-07-27
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My 23rd map. Plz RCE

If you don't like traps, don't play this map!

Other maps by this author

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ªpplË Gênócîdë Pixilating Monkey Dung! ۞ LeVeL ۞ Just Poop Your Pants Meta_Ing ۩


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i meant a place where pandas eat! =]

poor poor pandas.

you should NEVER use clumps of gold to hide traps... make it neat.


Endangered animals, ground up and grilled!
Try the bamboo fries!

get on gmail

I like traps,

just not under clumped gold. That ruins the fun. Completion Demo + NR
Demo Data