fire works

Thumbnail of the map 'fire works'

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Author K75KiLlErDoG
Tags author:k75killerdog rated test
Created 2005-09-10
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description fire works

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'thing' Thumbnail of the map 'death' Thumbnail of the map 'NEW ZEALAND' Thumbnail of the map 'EASY' Thumbnail of the map 'follow the gold'
thing death NEW ZEALAND EASY follow the gold


Pages: (0)

Whoa Whoa Whoa

Did I walk in in the middle of somthing or is that whole Half Life 2 comment random. Half Life 2 rocks out loud. And if you cant see that by playing then you are blind or have no taste.

p.s. i havent played the level yet but it sounds like its going to suck
lol thats what i ment to do idiots and any way that half life 2 was GAY!!!! to make it better you should make like a gun shape with a rocket launcher on the end to make it a gun.

Calm down, Glitch

Funny little thing there. It looks like someone with a serious bloody nose!

Whoa there

A little harsh?

It wasn't a good level really, but he was just showing something he figured out on his own(hopefully). It's a known thing already though.

Holy Shit

this level sucks, what up with the stick figure? you couldhave mad a more attractive appearence, once i looked at this, i knew it would suck, so i tried it, and now i have wasted 5 seconds of my life, delete this map asap, and finally, what the hell are you dising HL2 for? this level sucks, all it is, is a burning sack of crap. peace out...