Lost In the Dark Alleys

Thumbnail of the map 'Lost In the Dark Alleys'

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Author SkyRay
Tags adding agd-challenge author:skyray contest rated tac2 tileset
Created 2008-08-06
Last Modified 2008-08-06
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description for the Tileset Adding Contest II, i'm pretty pleased with how it turned out actually. It can be quite challenging.. sooo i'm going to give a ded to the first 3 people that get an AGD ^^ {i'm feeling generous}

Try to have as much fun as i did.. i'm not going to post a demo because some of it can be somewhat puzzling, most of the objects and enemies are used to their full potential, in my opinion anyways.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Part Of This World' Thumbnail of the map 'My Inherited Scars' Thumbnail of the map 'Central Axis Point' Thumbnail of the map 'Kapalua' Thumbnail of the map 'Ecochiodecipidion' Thumbnail of the map 'Sparks, Fire, and Embers. Oh My!'
Part Of This World My Inherited Scars Central Axis Point Kapalua Ecochiodecipidion Sparks, Fire, and Embers. Oh My!


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Yeah, it was an AGD, but because you removed the three tile in the corner, it doesn't work anymore...

Anyways, I got another AGD, and it's faster than before.
Demo Data
I can only get this one.
i it counts as agd...

the map itself us briliant. You really used the object with their ful possible potential, and the looks are awesome too.
Moreover i liked, how the map was a mix of puzzle/action

5 from me
Demo Data


your demo doesn't work anymore since the changes i made a bit back.. but i'll go ahead and trust you had an AGD and give you the 2nd out of 3 dedications


I slowed down near the end because I wanted to make sure the chaingun didn't hit me...
Demo Data

whoa.. haha you werent suppose to be able to do that spudz.. i'm going to try to change it so you can't but you get the 1st out of 3 deds i'm giving out


DA-OOG! (dog...) 5/5
Demo Data


sorry guys, i kinda playtested around but i think i changed something and didn't fully playtest the level.. which made that upper left part.. impossible, its now fixed, enjoy!
Anyway I have to say this first, the tiles are freakin' amazing! They just look so good! Second I like the jumps to get out of the beginning (even though I think I cheated) and the one over the mine in the top left. I like how much of a rush this map is at the chaingun part, its fun trying to grab the switch while not getting trapped by thwumps and slaughtered by the chaingun. :D

But there is one thing I have to ask. Is the floorgaurd part even possible? I cannot get passsed it, just watch me demo is you are confused. Yah... fave for now.
Demo Data

I could do this...

...if I could figure out how to get past the floorguard on the left while coming from the left side...

i like the tileset

and the part with the thwumps in the lower left. good 4/5