
Thumbnail of the map 'Stupid'

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Author pinksynth
Tags author:pinksynth hard playable stupid unrated
Created 2008-08-10
Last Modified 2008-08-11
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This map is a little bit stupid. I made some changes that make it a little less obnoxious and a little more fun. Thanks for the pointers, altemo [].

Other maps by this author

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Gopher Gold Dangeresque Either Way Playing House Pseudo Race Tough


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okay, can do. I'm still a total nub, so I'm not sure what is like the right difficulty level between really hard and straight up annoying.


this is a bit stupid.... but it has a lot of potential... the gameplay is fun, but 2 out of 4 rockets add nothing but sheer annoyance... the level is none too difficult when you survive long enough to get all the rockets in one group, but always, when i'm 3/4 through, one hits a wall and then its over....

2/5... remove 2-3 of the rockets, and this could be a 4/5