Comments on "The Prince and the Whale"

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nicely constructed

interesting jst interesting
u definetly
deserve it
4.5/5 rounded up

Faster AGD

Fastest one yet, it appears.

I think it was the objects that made the tileset in this case, and not the otherway around.
Demo Data


Definitely worthy of a review.

Demo Data

amazing tileset?

not to me.

Fast AGD

Could still be faster, though.

Playing this through the second time was much better than the first. The level looks nice.

Demo Data
An opinion.


I really don't think its all that special. The tile set makes it a unique minejumper, but seems to much like clearwindow's map anyway. The gold was absolutely not spectacular, and the mine gameplay is decent but nothing compared to Sendy. 3/5
Demo Data

but I did

like reading the story

I don't get it,

what makes this review worthy? The tileset is a line and it's a simple minejumper
this map [] would have been a better choice

could be faster.

3, I saw almost no effort except the description.
Demo Data

Not that good.

Apparently, you agreed.

first try.

Demo Data
i thought should've been featured. its special, it addresses a creative innovative concept, its, as Riobe said "simplicity at its best".
the phrase "i wish i'd thought of that" is going around a lot lately mainly about the featured maps.
i think that if a map cant make you say "i wish i'd thought of that" then it shouldnt be featured. we're past bitesizing maps that are just plain good. 5/5 good review Riobe


Great fun.
Demo Data

i like the map;

it's pretty amazing. i also like the "sprayed some essence of Gloomp" part xD. but "simplistically amazing"? awkward. maybe it's just me. anyway, gloomp, this is your best map.
Not anymore, thankfully.

i dont even

like this much

Heh, it's fine.

And I can see the review because I'm a reviewer, not because it's my map.

Hey man

You write your reviews, I write mine.
instead of essence of gloomp

Sorry gloomp

Pressed the delete button by accident. Meant to edit it. It went back a few spots. Really sorry. ;;_;;

I was wondering

If your able to see one of your own maps featured, which I guess you can.

Nevertheless, you deserve it. =)

Very deserving

of the review.

A classic

Mega Speedrun

Yeah, this way's a lot easier. :)
Demo Data


That second section is hard.
Demo Data



I still

love this....




Demo Data

i agree,

this is wery well constwucted.

Insane fun

Love this...

Demo Data



I agree

This is probably your best map.

Demo Data