
Thumbnail of the map 'ShatteRift'

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Author ZivilynBane
Tags action author:zivilynbane ganymede lasers playable rated
Created 2008-08-13
Last Modified 2008-08-13
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description Today is the future!
It is full of computer in the street.
It is full of planes in the sky.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Atlantic Delicacy' Thumbnail of the map 'Their Eyes Gazed Up At The Moon' Thumbnail of the map 'It Grew in the Night' Thumbnail of the map 'Lucia De Lammermoor' Thumbnail of the map 'Apples, Fruits Maybe' Thumbnail of the map 'Perhaps They Do Be Marching'
Atlantic Delicacy Their Eyes Gazed Up At The Moon It Grew in the Night Lucia De Lammermoor Apples, Fruits Maybe Perhaps They Do Be Marching


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hahahaha, damn!
so close, and you made it up the shaft of death.

haha ;_;

Demo Data

that one

the idea was that it only targeted you if you tried to grab the gold before getting in the alcove. It usually doesn't, I think the way you ran up the slope instead of jumping in increased the number of frames in which the laser drone could see you.

yeah, that whole shaft is way too difficult. I made it through about a third of the time in testing, and figured that was consistant enough, but i was just testing that one part over and over so yeah.... I'll make another version, or maybe a sequel, eventually.


the laser that got me. is the one to block off.
Demo Data


i really do think this bit spoils the map :/ it's so amazing but this is near impossible :/
Demo Data

Thumbs up

Cool, uses the same narrow spaces as the beginning of the map I sourced from you, ironic :P

Excellent tileset btw. 5aved.


I'm not going to spend hours going for AG. Did it in editor, I'm not consistent enough of a player. Just know that that shaft is possible to get through. You have to jump through fast enough so it doesn't target you until you have time to get into that alcove. Then when they all turn off, you jump out and past it before it turns on. The overlying idea is that you have to make all of the tricky claustrophobic jumps really fast.


i was working on seaking
anyways, the tileset is brilliant the gameplay is sweet, this is such a good map. 5'd faved

14 hours later

still no AGD, hehe.* ~Cricket~*


I'll post an agd.

is this possible?

Demo Data

This is nice ^_^


one of the most well-made tilesets I've seen.

great level

ps I love you

just kidding
but awesome. getting past the laserbeams was really cool.