
Thumbnail of the map 'Wrangler'

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Author yungerkid
Tags author:yungerkid flowy race rated
Created 2008-08-18
Last Modified 2008-08-18
by 17 people.
Map Data

Description just another exercise to keep me busy while i'm working on the pack.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Flying Spinning Whitewater Trout' Thumbnail of the map 'Stifled' Thumbnail of the map 'King of Hell (Cassiopeia)' Thumbnail of the map 'Reflection' Thumbnail of the map 'Beauty (step 1)' Thumbnail of the map 'Bridge Over Troubled Vortices'
Flying Spinning Whitewater Trout Stifled King of Hell (Cassiopeia) Reflection Beauty (step 1) Bridge Over Troubled Vortices


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I love this map

very good, 5aved.

yes yungerkid, i do

and this is one of them. 4/5 and fav'd

Very good.

But like max said. More of the same. Try something new.
Your maps are awesome but they are getting to normal.
BUT TO GIVE A 2! MAN!. 3. :D.
but this was fine. 3.5/5
Same, same, same, same!

2/5, just the normal, boring race map. I've seen like 84732 of these same races!


i remember it now. i had one of those in my favourites for a long time. heh. i take that back.


Chainguns dude! Remember that whole series I had. About "hectic" races? You gotta remember.
i just don't see how anything other than lasers can make a race hectic and fun.


I see it as "very good". Flow was nice, fast, and smooth. The bounceblock idea was nice, although I've seen it before somewhere ;). Everything was nice accept for jumping off of one E tile, which is tedious, and the rocket is utterly useless. 4/5


we won't release them at the same time. episode 4 is taking me an extremely long time ;)


we're gonna release mappacks at the same time and theres gonna be a fight for attention between me, you, and logik 2.

did i mention the flow in this level is perfect?
grrr...well, i could never do that ;)
now im purple =D


help is beyond you. but keep trying


i can't even beat one column. literally, i cannot beat any columns at a time. and i can't even beat one episode of the legacy project. man. i can't beat *anything*. heck, i can't even beat some *tilesets*.

anyway, thank y'all for your positive reception! it's real encouraging! i'll have another one like this out in a jiffy! although atm i'm stuck. time for da_man to help. ;)


this has a good reception!
anyway, as for playing prowess, just beat the game a few times and you'll be good before you know it.

your best :D

5/5- I like the lasers, but dont use them in every map, they tend to get boring after a while.


You've made a magnificent work, the race is amazing.
I loved the beginning but I got stuck in the lower launchpad.


i have pinpointed a weakness of mine. that would be my morbid fear of using straight surfaces. i'm just too afraid to use flat surfaces or ramps in races. hopefully i'll be able to overcome that for future races.

*watches demo*

oh wait, that? ooh, ok. well i noticed that too, but it didn't happen as much for me. thanks for pointing that out! i'll change it.


my low skill level at the game is catching up with me. because i'm so bad at the n game, i move slowly through the levels. i time the lasers to work perfectly at my level. but then, more advanced players (literally almost everyone) come along and beat my laser timing down. i'll need to somehow work to overcome this.

i'm glad you like it! i'll keep working to improve.


i would give a 5 - because this is your best level EVER. Seriously, i was like woah, then i was like woah!, then i was like, damn laser!

Watch demo, then you will understand why i give a 4. I know it doesnt always happen, but 3/4 times it does
Demo Data

flow/path demo

just in case it's necessary.
Demo Data