The race in the caves

Thumbnail of the map 'The race in the caves'

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Author Meta_Ing
Tags author:meta_ing race rated
Created 2008-08-19
Last Modified 2008-08-19
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description (Unimaginitive name, I know...)

My fourth race, and the longest of the three I've recently submitted. This one is still kind of short, but at least it goes past 1000 frames...

This is a much different style than my last two... I'm not sure how much I like it, especially the gold. I prefer the style of my last race but I wanted to try something different.

*Hold left at the beginning.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Hypnotically' Thumbnail of the map 'Out of reach' Thumbnail of the map 'Mid-tech' Thumbnail of the map 'SEMI' Thumbnail of the map 'The opposite of a black hole' Thumbnail of the map '10:44 at night'
Hypnotically Out of reach Mid-tech SEMI The opposite of a black hole 10:44 at night


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not gonna be the first to say it, but the lack of flow at the beginning really pisses me the FUCK OFF D:<


I was trying a different style this time. I didn't like it too much either honestly... :P
death demo 3/5, at the begining there is a trench i keep on getting syuck in, try focusing on the flow and less on teh cave image. 3/5
Demo Data

No, we round up.

But that doesn't mean I do. :)


I'll stick with the flow styles of my previous two then...

Maybe the weird flow is just a side effect of this kind of tileset. :/


Looks nice, but the flow is annoying




I wanted to trick you at the beginning.

One other thing, MaximuRride... Just out of curiosity, do you live in one of the countries where they round down from .5 instead of up?

awesome race

the beginning was a little confusing though. 4/5 :D
There is flow, although I do agree that it may not be the best flow in the world...

You also have to remember that I made this on a better computer than I posted the demo on. (The other computer isn't getting an internet connection for some reason...)
and even in your demo it's not very successful, that's saying something...

2/5. Average race, due to lack of flow.




Really nice, i loved the strained flow.

Demo Data


See if you can do it now.



Better flow demo

This was the best demo I could get on this computer, but it's not an AGD.
Demo Data


Think I should remove the chaingun then?


This one is too tough to be enjoyable. And the chaingun killed me every time.
The flow is realistically much smoother in certain parts, (where I messed up) but you should get the general idea from this...
Demo Data