
Thumbnail of the map 'Fragilegs'

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Author TheKitchenSink
Tags author:thekitchensink fragilegs nreality playable playermod tncc unrated
Created 2008-08-20
Last Modified 2008-08-20
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Fragile Legs, to be more precise.

It's a normal little minimalist-ish map, but you die from falling more easily. Don't worry; you can jump as high as you want from a surface and land on said surface just fine. It's just, falling from heights doesn't work so well. Of course, you can always hit the corners just right or land on a really steep slope...

Other maps by this author

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Temporal Presentation Crescentillating I Just Want a Hug! Logan Tom Reel Face Turn Crescenthemum


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That's the thing.

I'm no good with tilesets, I just do the objects.

You might then be asking, "why post pure tilesets, then?" it's because I start making one and then I have no idea what to do with it, so I just let other people go at it. Ah well.


which is weird for someone who had enough ideas for a 3x3 space to be able to make 100 maps with them...
this is a bit too easy imho.
you seem to be running out of ideas
Demo Data
Not that when I fall I actually land on the bottom of the steep slope for about a frame, so that's why I live. Too kme forever to get this.

Completion itself is fairly easy though.
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