02:4 Too Easy

Thumbnail of the map '02:4 Too Easy'

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Author turtles
Tags author:turtles playable unrated
Created 2008-08-24
Last Modified 2008-08-24
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is way too easy. There has got to be an annoying hidden enemy somewhere.

Other maps by this author

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Trash 02:0 Don Oceano Azul 02:1 Summon the Raptors 02:2 Koala Walrus Man 02:3 Bigfoot was a fraud What the...


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Demo Data

Screw you, Turtle

I beat you
Demo Data

And a completion

If you're into that sort of thing
Demo Data

Much faster agd

this may prove to be something to try to beat, if you want at least a somewhat moderate challenge
Demo Data

a little too easy.

but i like the gold!

First try AGD.

Easy, but not bad.
Demo Data