Land Slide

Thumbnail of the map 'Land Slide'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Riobe
Tags action author:riobe fun medium playable rated rockets
Created 2008-08-29
Last Modified 2008-08-29
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Do the funky chicken!

Other maps by this author

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Flight 705-N Depths Of Hell Extermination Mimic Sparks Imitation


Pages: (0)

nice tilest,

nice gameplay. 5/5


dealing with multiple rockets on the right gets annoying, but overall its good fun

the rocket

in the center was badly placed. but other than that, a very good map. i like your style :)

great fun

here's an AGD for ya

Had a little trouble in the bottom right before I got a decent route, but I suppose that just addds to the challenge really
Demo Data

bit choppy

but it was O.K

your pumping out some nice maps riobe



awesome map man