Final Countdown

Thumbnail of the map 'Final Countdown'

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Author SmashBunny11
Tags action author:smashbunny11 fun gauss medium playable unrated
Created 2008-09-04
Last Modified 2008-09-04
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Tileset by RadiumFalcon []

Other maps by this author

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Seaweed Rock Lord Spiker's Castle The Astroid Belt Cloverfield Bermuda Triangle Tettywinks


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I didn't like the combo of laser and gauss. Very stressful.
2.5/5 ^


cause it was really fun. srryz for the double post

great song

pretty good map.
you -forgot?- that you can win the map without getting the hidden door switch. playtesting maps makes the world go round.