Godsend II

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Author ijehrhart
Tags action author:ijehrhart playable progressive series unrated
Created 2008-09-05
Last Modified 2008-09-05
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description The Second of The Seven Trials. This trial is progressively more difficult, But since it is only the second, it is still fairly easy. Jumps and buttons. That was the description. And then Fourteen understood. The cave was only the second trial. More await.

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I cant do it >_<
I kinda agree with runningninja though. I also dont like so much back and forth running.

It's good.

But not outstanding, and it seemed a bit...sloppy?
Good concept though, so 3.5^


you have unintentionnally greated an amazing map


Very NICE!

A 4 because the concept is to simple to be flawless. But I am faving this.

This is my AGD, also a great explanation that you could have left out the trap doors :D:
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