Black Sunshine

Thumbnail of the map 'Black Sunshine'

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Author punchowns
Tags author:punchowns fast minirace race rated
Created 2008-09-07
Last Modified 2008-09-07
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Hey guys, this is my first race map. Although its abit minimilist, i like it. Its based of influence of another race map, i'll let you find out which one. Enjoy :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Pop Art: LOL!' Thumbnail of the map 'The Tables Turned' Thumbnail of the map 'Kubla Khan: The Edge of Reality' Thumbnail of the map 'N!' Thumbnail of the map 'Cliff's of the Cloth' Thumbnail of the map 'Bubble Bath'
Pop Art: LOL! The Tables Turned Kubla Khan: The Edge of Reality N! Cliff's of the Cloth Bubble Bath


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like this


Its alrite

Its a bit ugly and the flow is weird with that wall jump, but its good. 4.


the flow is pretty nice, the jump back across the map is interesting, it requires a lot of control to land it and get the 5 pieces of gold.

It's a good start :)
Demo Data

yeah ur right

thanks anyway, but for the difficulty factor, I don't really know how to make it more difficult for such a short race.

help! :P


I assume it was influenced by Crazy Miner?

I like it.

It was fun. Too easy - beat it on my second try, got my AGD on my seventh or eighth - but it wasn't bad. Good flow, just too easy. AGD attached. Rated 3/5.
Demo Data

Very annoying

I'll rate anyways. Wait for some of the experts to give you advice.