The Epic Part V - Too Hot to Handle

Thumbnail of the map 'The Epic Part V - Too Hot to Handle'

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Author Mark_II
Tags action author:mark_ii bitesized playable rated
Created 2005-09-18
Last Modified 2005-09-18
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description After bravely conquering (running away from) Thor's evil minions, the ninja continues onwards in his quest.

He travelled a fair distance, when suddenly a thought came to him.
"Woah! That's weird, nothing considerably bad has happened to me in the last 90 seconds or so... I wonder what's..."
Suddenly, as soon as he had paused to let something dramatic happen, the ground beneath his feet began to crack and break up, and a huge wave of heat followed by thick red smoke erupted from the ground. The ninja could barely breathe. He looked into a crevice to see a large underground cave, and thought he could see a distinct door shape.
"I think I can just squeeze through", he coughed to himself...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Odd' Thumbnail of the map 'I'd rather die' Thumbnail of the map 'The Intimidator' Thumbnail of the map 'Subconscious' Thumbnail of the map 'Garden of Beasts' Thumbnail of the map 'Squeeze'
Odd I'd rather die The Intimidator Subconscious Garden of Beasts Squeeze


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Awesome tileset. Fun as well. Your gold placement was very carefully choiced.

Quick demo

Not all gold, but I got plenty and could have gone slower.
Demo Data


bit of a long introduction, but here it is! i've just edited it slightly to make the laser drone stay in one place. I KNOW THERE IS A NaN! it's for the laser. hope this doesnt mess up demos if you've done them already.