
Thumbnail of the map 'Blehby'

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Author blackson
Tags action author:blackson rated
Created 2008-09-17
Last Modified 2008-09-17
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Quite cool.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'I like putting on my pink socks' Thumbnail of the map 'Black backpack beside my white' Thumbnail of the map 'Dunce' Thumbnail of the map 'War' Thumbnail of the map 'Down to the retro metro' Thumbnail of the map 'NO HANDA BARS'
I like putting on my pink socks Black backpack beside my white Dunce War Down to the retro metro NO HANDA BARS


Pages: (0)

Enjoyable Map

Interesting design. The spacing of the platforms was decieving, and made for some interesting maneuvers. Also, the angles allowed for some shots at me I'd not anticipated. In my view this made it very fun, I like thinking I'm safe and suddenly "AHHH! That missle is still comin'!". It didn't take a long time to beat, but was enjoyable and made me stop and think several times.
Demo Data


I meant to post that on
This map: lots of straining to get on the platforms, not very stisfying. 3/5

flows pretty well

4/5. Descrepancies in pace.


yet not cool. I don't know about this, but it played nicely, and looks good.



Demo Data

AGD-29 :)


I'll go for AGD next.
Demo Data

I love the

tiles more than the gameplay, but the gameplay was quite good as well.

Pretty good map. I should be able to finish it, but my computer is running like crap so it's a lot harder than it should be.