The Colour Of Magic

Thumbnail of the map 'The Colour Of Magic'

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Author fireball93
Tags author:fireball93 experamental rated
Created 2008-09-22
Last Modified 2008-09-22
by 10 people.
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why the hell !!!! neva mind :(
has nothing to do with luck its what you do when you do it

Too Much Luck

There is too much luck involved in this level to be fun, the traps are annoying:

1/5 (Sorry Chris)


On the springboard part u just hold Right/->

another flaw

the part with mines only the top row ( and mayb bottom)
row of the 3x3 mine cubes were nessesary...
also the final springboard part... u have a 95% chance on dying there

just your average

n00b map.

Try building something more simple with more inventive tiles. I wouldn't know how to build off of this with something constructive but try mimicking one of your favorite authors or something. Pay attention to tilesets and the way that they are put together.

Once you have tilesets down start experimenting with object placement. Doubtless that if you come up with a tileset that is pretty functional you'll get more than enough feedback about object placement and such.

Hope that helps,

Could be improved

don't use to many objects , especially traps, gold and mines unless makig n-art
Try out nreality; think it maybe your type of thing...

Thanks for the constructive comments
this is like my 2nd map ive made so =)


map def sucked monkey balls way to long to many traps bounce pads were spammed along with everything else


Dont work for me. There are to many traps in it. This makes it impossible because it takes so long to load. Read this-

- This map is in a lot of places crowded
- You could add more different types of enimies to make your map even better
-Do you test your maps?
This might help to improove you maps!

Plzz how do make maps?

Some good ideas

The overall thing has many problems though, for example:
Too crowded with objects and tiles (simplicity makes a good map in most cases)
Its a bit too long
You cant get all the gold (I dont mind this, but lots of other people wont like it)
Some parts dont work as they should do, like the mine bit and the last bit

As i said though it has some good ideas which you can work on. As it is, i cant give it much more than a 2, sorry.