A nice little ditty

Thumbnail of the map 'A nice little ditty'

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Author AMomentLikeThis
Tags author:amomentlikethis dda rated
Created 2005-09-22
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description This is a very quick KRADDA. I was bored, and well, didn't have much time to make a level, so I thought I would make it quick :D Enjoy!

Comments and votes much appreciated. Please do not vote me down for the speed of the level as this was the intention.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '1-4 : Enter The Cemetery' Thumbnail of the map '2-0 : Loop' Thumbnail of the map 'Incomplete : DDA, Rocket Scape' Thumbnail of the map '2-1 : Where Is The Love?' Thumbnail of the map 'Baroosh!' Thumbnail of the map '2-3 : Propelled'
1-4 : Enter The Cemetery 2-0 : Loop Incomplete : DDA, Rocket Scape 2-1 : Where Is The Love? Baroosh! 2-3 : Propelled


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yea, i agree, its bear short
Try to make a map like this when you have more time, so you can make it longer.