Comments on "In other words... I love you"

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@Kool: It's a secret!
@Pawz: I can only apologize that you don't like the review and I must admit I didn't have a lot of time on my hands because my computer broke down and I suspected virus infection (luckily it was a system flaw and was corrected, but it took some effort- Vista!).

That said I think lots of reviews are odd (Slappy does a good job of not talking about the map while still being entertaining, per example), and I'm still learning my ropes here - if you want to teach me what's hot and what's not, I suggest you present me some requirements for all future reviews and I'll manufacture them to fit that form.

That said, it's a discussion between the two of us; don't let it flood this map, it'd be unfair to SuperstardomX.


Not a great review or map. Nothing special. Been done many times.


Right, but we already know the Reviewer likes the map. Why else would they Review it? Or rather, if they don't like it, there must be something they thought was interesting and wanted to share it. I don't see any talk about interesting mechanics in the Review.
I wanted to know more about the map. Instead we get the map description in the Review. Map descriptions belong in the map description section.


When a review comes after mine, it's bound to look less good! :D
But most reviews of recent are complete crap. At least this one mentions that the reviewer likes the map.
Don't post Reviews like this anymore. They are uninteresting and this particular one didn't even say anything about the map. Further Reviews like this will not be tolerated. At least try to put some thought into what you write, please.

NUMA Admin

Not original, perhaps, because it feels like it's about three years old?

It's a 3 from me.

Totally agree with atob.

I agree w/ shine

Needs a lot of work. 2/5
Demo Data


Not really, the entire look and feel of this has been done a lot.

Sloppy map, imo, super has a lot better in his archive.

awesome tiles.

seems original.




pretty unrefined and generic imo. not worth more than a 2,5 rounded down.
wheres teh booz?

Lovely map



your best map, i just was looking thru them, this ones real nice mitchy, 4.5


like it as well. the bounceblocks especially.
4.17635 xD



i like it too.

very original. the gold and mines are quite nicely placed. good gameplay, and nice tileset. 4.25/5