19-2 youd be suprised...

Thumbnail of the map '19-2 youd be suprised...'

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Author ChaoStar
Tags action author:chaostar rated
Created 2008-10-06
Last Modified 2008-10-06
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description dont judge a map by it's thumbnails.
judge it by it's FACE!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '18-1 can life merely be despair?' Thumbnail of the map '18-2 Hell hath no furries...' Thumbnail of the map '18-3 Tell me no lies' Thumbnail of the map '18-4 solice?' Thumbnail of the map '19-0 He said it was dificalt i say pshh' Thumbnail of the map '19-1 Thorn'
18-1 can life merely be despair? 18-2 Hell hath no furries... 18-3 Tell me no lies 18-4 solice? 19-0 He said it was dificalt i say pshh 19-1 Thorn


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thats damn hard!!
but still good....


thats damn hard!!
but still good....


but my enemy combos are much more ebiler. MWAHAHAHAHA!


to to this just hold left in the 14th frame(prob works on some others but...)
Demo Data


take the lazer out >:|
an easier version... (which i wont.) i'd take out the gauss.
it is a weapom of mass ninja slaughtering.


take out the rocket i think to much going on(or take out guass idk)
I was pwning till the damn lazer
Demo Data
but this level IS possible, and quite easy if you plan it out.

too hard

I can't even get past the middle. Most hard levels are fun, but if they are too hard, they're not even fun anymore.


thats fine.


realy didnt like this.