I made a map

Thumbnail of the map 'I made a map'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author blackson
Tags action author:blackson rated
Created 2008-10-09
Last Modified 2008-10-09
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description I'm done with NUMA for the time being.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'OPTICAL MOUSES GO SHWEEE!' Thumbnail of the map 'TO THE CHARIOT' Thumbnail of the map 'Sphshshs' Thumbnail of the map 'I PLAY FOOT MUCH YOIU' Thumbnail of the map 'Tabletowl bowl man.' Thumbnail of the map 'Crying in a burning building'
OPTICAL MOUSES GO SHWEEE! TO THE CHARIOT Sphshshs I PLAY FOOT MUCH YOIU Tabletowl bowl man. Crying in a burning building


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who cares? lets find out and exploit it all over Numa just to make a mountain out of a mole hill! ah hah! im crescor!
That there are many morons on NUMA, but I believe there are much more that actually post here because they care about the community. But there are morons out there.

Good map.
"NUMA was too heavily saturated with morons for me to want to waste my time making maps for it."-Ryzor

not an exact quote but it gives you the idea.


flagmyidol gay?


i love how mekkah

was also ragged on for ripping off others maps

slow AGDemozzle

if you must leave, come back soon. you are my favorite mapmaker right now. i play all your maps. I... I... I love you, blackson.
Demo Data
and it's turned into a hollow, boring shadow of a great map.


not worth a 5 but everybody has their own opinion.


great map


as soon as i really start enjoying your maps.. you inconsiderate prick :]
I enjoy most of your maps.

Slightly faster AGD:
Demo Data


no dont leave. You are the cools. ;__;

bupo owns.



bupo you suck.
Demo Data
nice map though
Demo Data

this is quite fun

i like your style hope you dont leave forever.

oh well

have a vacation then. I'll miss your maps. how long will you be gone?
Demo Data


oh no!


why blackson? 4/5 btw