The sands of N

Thumbnail of the map 'The sands of N'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author DeltaInferno
Tags author:deltainferno hourglass medium playable tribute unrated
Created 2008-10-14
Last Modified 2008-10-14
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I think somebody has already done this before, but this lvl has been resting in 'my lvls' for a while now, so i think its time for its introduction to this world.

i also think there is a glitch in this map but im not sure... if you find it be sure to tell me

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'my own version of, walking on water.' Thumbnail of the map 'Dont be greedy...' Thumbnail of the map 'rocket race' Thumbnail of the map 'S-N-artail' Thumbnail of the map 'Bottle Necked'
my own version of, walking on water. Dont be greedy... rocket race S-N-artail Bottle Necked


Pages: (0)

yay ^_^

my maps are finally getting noticed!
personally, i really like this map. good flow, and you did a cool dda-ish thing with mines, too. could have been smaller.



almost every

author in their noob time (yes including me) has made a map with an hourglass. this is eh.