Nine in the Afternoon

Thumbnail of the map 'Nine in the Afternoon'

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Author bufar
Tags author:bufar nreality objectmod playable resub unrated wikified
Created 2008-10-14
Last Modified 2008-10-15
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Play in nReality
I could 'cuz I can so I do.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Caution Tape' Thumbnail of the map 'exuberance' Thumbnail of the map 'Humility In Action' Thumbnail of the map 'I Can't Tell By The Pixels' Thumbnail of the map 'Virtual Impossibility' Thumbnail of the map 'Hell or High Water Clause'
Caution Tape exuberance Humility In Action I Can't Tell By The Pixels Virtual Impossibility Hell or High Water Clause


Pages: (0)

HOW THE F*** did you do that (5)??


quite fun, but bland. 3.5 down.
Demo Data
I just got so confused >o<

I nerfed the rocket to 4/5 of its original speed. It may not sound like a lot, but it makes the map a lot easier.


a resub!
didnt like it all that much the first time :/ try making it easier the rockets really oomphed the level of difficulty