Speed Run

Thumbnail of the map 'Speed Run'

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Author AMomentLikeThis
Tags author:amomentlikethis test unrated
Created 2005-09-25
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is a sort of race. It starts off as a DDA, but then you've gotta be quick. Who can complete this the fastest?

Other maps by this author

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Bloody fast! Tile Symarea Tile 2 Tile 3 Underduct


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Well that was stupid of me

New method

Heres my demo, but is there an easier way of counting frame than stepping through?
Demo Data


Bit faster...
Demo Data

Nearly Jak

I got 485, you got 492 :p ... I'm 7 frames faster :p

dunno if i have lol

heres my demo, not gr8, but i probs havent beaten u
Demo Data

Who can beat me?

My demo.
Demo Data